Timucua Visual Artist of the Month

Posted on in Strange Attractors, Events

Last week I attended the artist launch event for Immerse 2025. So excited it’s coming back in February! Check out the call for artists here. I’m working on a pitch for a new installation - stay tuned.

Anyway, the event was held at Timucua, an amazing local venue in Orlando that hosts free concerts and interesting events throughout the year, all in the expanded living room of the Glazer family’s home, also affectionately known as The White House. I’ve enjoyed many concerts there.

Each month they also host a visual artist’s work as part of an ongoing Artist in Residence program. I was catching up with Benoit Glazer and a slot had unexpectedly opened up for September, so he asked me if I could bring over some work. Like, tomorrow. I said… sure! So now I’m the September Artist in Residence at Timucua! Here’s a quick interview we shot during setup:

I brought prints from two series of work, Aesthetic Explorations of Attractor Space and Audiograms.

There are 12 pieces in total at Timucua right now, most of which are available for purchase (price list).

If you’re in the Orlando area, I hope you get a chance to attend an event at Timucua this month and see my work! Check out their calendar here.